Olympics Pete Adams Olympics Pete Adams

Skateboarding’s Epic Debut to the Olympic Stage

Just a couple of days into the Tokyo 2020 (2021) Olympics and Skateboarding makes its incredible debut onto the Olympic stage.

With the lead up to its appearance, skateboarding has been looking good (This is assuming you are happy with the idea of contest skating on a world stage). The quality of courses designed and built by California Skateparks has been at an all time high which have given a great consistency to the contest circuit. The format has felt well refined and simple to follow. A tried and tested format all skaters and audience members seem to relish and enjoy.

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What is Athlete Branding and why should you care?

The concept of an Athlete Brand can be strange, but we all recognise them when we see them. Think of Michael Jordan, Nyjah Houston, Ken Block, David Beckham, Michael Phelps, LeBron, Gabriel Medina, John John Florence or Serena Williams. Sure they’re top level athletes, but they also have recognition around personality, fashion, hobbies, mentality, investments and legacy.

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