Social Media Marketing – Etnies Am Series

Etnies Am Series Events – Social Media Marketing Management

With the launch of the new Etnies Am series, providing regional contests around Australia for all ages, the marketing needed to level up to help meet participation goals.


Saying goodbye to inconsistency


We created a consistent style and design for all Am Series events. Each event could work within an existing template and if a flyer had been supplied, pre-designed, then our template could accomodate it whilst making it familiar and recognisable to the am series suite.


Amplifying Engagement


To better tailor the social media marketing to the changing landscape and alogorithms within Instagram and Facebook we created a video version of our static posters. Designed for Reels this version contained motion graphics and sound design to create an engaging immersive clip for the contests.


The Rumble - Contest Series Website


Contest Series Branding – Etnies Am Series