How to learn tricks and keep improving as a pro athlete

A guide on how keep improving when you’re mean’t to be the best

This might seem stupid, you a pro or budding athlete, you’ve been learning tricks for years and killing it. Why would you need help with learning tricks? Well, plateau’s happen and sometimes, it’s hard to learn new tricks when everyone sees you and expects you to always be the best.

Personally I hit a stage where I found it hard to learn certain tricks. I had my tricks I was good at, and would learn new tricks every so often, but there were tricks, or areas of my skating I wanted to improve, but never felt I could work on them in public. When people know you’re a sponsored or pro athlete, it’s hard to let yourself look like a kook going slow at the smallest object, trying to figure out some trick that others do easily. Simply avoiding that though, doesn’t help. So here’s how to break down tricks and keep learning.


Article Update - I recently found this interview from the Nine Club Podcast with Pro Skateboarder David Reyes and it is amazing.

David talks about his process and how he built up the skills to do his famous Tre Flip Noseblunt down Clipper and spoiler alert, he started small. Well worth a watch!

The Growth Mindset

Believe you can improve, learn that trick, fix that weakness – embrace the growth mindset.

“If you think you can, or you think you can’t, well, you’re right” – Peter Diamandis

The first thing you need to do when looking to improve is believe you can improve. Not in an airy fairy wishy washy way, actually know and trust you can improve. If you know in your mind you can do it then all you need to do is put in the work to get there. It’s no longer a hopeful goal or a dream, it’s a destination you’re heading to. All you need now is the map.

(Read more about growth mindset here)

New Skills Map - The 6 pillars of Learning Tricks

Use these 6 parts to breakdown each trick you are working on. Construct a map of how you will go from where you are, to landing the trick you want to learn. By approaching these 6 parts you can diagnose the weak point whenever you get stuck and fix it to hit the next level.

Life Shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” – Anais Nin


  1. Have you broken the trick down into small steps?
    Every trick can be broken into smaller steps to practice individually before the whole trick comes together.

  2. Do you have the right approach angles, speed, and timing required?
    Make sure you’re using approach angles and speed to make the trick as easy as possible.

  3. Are you doing the right technical movement?
    Film it and watch it back. Are you hitting each step of the trick correctly.

  4. Are your feet in the optimal position for your technique?
    Try different foot positions and timings.


  1. Have you put your ego aside?
    Approach the situation with a beginners mind, lose your ego and be prepared to look silly.

  2. Are you focused? 
    Take a minute to remove any distractions.

  3. Can you picture the trick in your mind? 
    Watch a video of the clip on your phone to help.

  4. Do you feel calm and confident?
    Trust that you CAN do the trick and visualise the land.

  5. Would Music or Friends Help?
    Find a song that gets you motivated for this trick. Try it with friends. Make it a game.


  1. Have you warmed up enough to try this trick?
    Ensure you are well warmed up and feeling good to increase chances of learning new tricks. 

  2. Is your body strong enough for this trick?
    Ensure your legs, ankles, knees and hips aren’t injured and are strong enough for the challenge.

  3. Can you Pop high enough? Do you have the flexibility or strength needed?
    Some tricks take more pop, rotation, or balance than others so ensure your body is ready for the challenge.


  1. How do you feel today? 
    Ensure you feel sufficiently energised and motivated for these attempts.

  2. Have you been drinking water and eaten some food? 
    It’s easy to forget to eat and hydrate when skating. Keep drinking water to help your mind keep up with the demand of learning new tricks.


  1. Do you have mobility to move in the correct ways for this trick?
    Ensure your body is warmed up and can move through the range of motion in a controlled manner.

  2. Could you practice the trick movement in a slow controlled way off your board?
    To help your mind process and react quicker, you can slowly practice movements off your board to start creating muscle memory.


  1. Is this the best place to be trying this trick? 
    Ensure you are in the best location to try the trick

  2. Is there another way to try the trick to make it easier? 
    Sometimes it’s easier to learn a trick off a ledge or a ramp or over a hip first so you have more time or there’s less rotation needed.

Top tips:

  • Learn tricks with friends to help feed off their energy and progress.

  • Ask people who can already do the trick to help you learn it.

  • Try the trick in a line - building momentum with landed tricks before trying a new one helps.

Quick Summary of learning new skills

  • Consider the technical aspects of the trick - how it works

  • Get your mental approach right - employ the growth mindset

  • Get your fitness level right for the challenge

  • Ensure you feel energised

  • Break down and practice the mechanics of the trick

  • Find the best place to learn it

Next Steps for You

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Listen to the audio episode of this article on the ‘Make It Happen’ Podcast for Athletes from ESM.

Additional Resources


3 Ways to learn tricks and keep progressing, even on bad days - The Daily Push

Love this video from Matt on the Daily Push, fun, insightful, and sure to get you fired up to go learn some new tricks.

Check it out here:


The Art of Learning - Josh Waitzkin
If you fancy needing out on learning and love a good book to read or listen to, I’d highly recommend this one by Josh Waitzkin.

Check it out here:


How To Learn Skills Faster - The Huberman Lab Podcast

Another great episode from the Huberman Lab, this time, going scientific and deep on learning new skills. Listen to the episode wherever you get your podcasts or watch below on YouTube. Happy learning.


How to Select Tricks To Learn


Four Australians Podium at X Games Japan for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals